Over 3000 companies have already chosen ZonWizard to automate daily operations and maximize their profits
A few easy steps to get started
File taxes in no time with automated accounting reports and documents
Clear KPI, charts and metrics: profitability at a glance
In-depth analytics to optimize every aspect of the sales process
Fast and expert customer support, focused on your business success
We know how to extract useful information from your sales data and make it actionable to you
Seller Central could be a complicated maze to get through, so we build a simple interface where you can easily find everything you need
Software upgrades and new features are often created based on customer feedback
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We have custom plans to power your business.
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Yes, of course you can! As soon as you subscribe to one of our payment plans you get a 14-day free trial period completely free of charge.
You can cancel your subscription at any time in the payments section of the app or by contacting our support team via email (support@zonwizard.com).
ZonWizard at the time of enrollment synchronizes the previous 3 months' data. It is still possible to retrieve historical data by writing to our support.
Yes, ZonWizard uses the Amazon Seller Partner API protocol to access your sales data. This is the standard method for exchanging data between Amazon and third party applications. You can authorize ZonWizard to access your data or revoke the authorization at any moment in Seller Central.
Yes, absolutely! We only keep the information necessary to generate reports and to furnish our services and nothing more. All information gathered is stored and safeguarded in accordance with the relative standards. We will never analize, sell or distribute your data, nor will we ever use them other than for the exclusive functioning of our software. Please read our terms of service for further details.
ZonWizard supports all Amazon European and North American marketplaces (amazon.it, amazon.co.uk, amazon.es, amazon.de, amazon.fr, amazon.nl, amazon.se, amazon.pl, amazon.com.be, amazon.com, amazon.ca, amazon.com.mx) plus all eBay marketplaces.
Yes, you can connect multiple accounts to the same user. The application will show aggregate data for all the accounts.
Yes, you can find the complete documentation with explanations of all the features of ZonWizard in the Official Guide.
Please send us a message and we will answer all your questions
ZonWizard can help you manage your Amazon business with ease
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